Estado Islâmico ameça Estados Unidos.

Intitulado "Flames of War - Fighting has just begun" - "Chamas de Guerra A luta está prestes a começar"–  o vídeo não deixa margem para dúvidas: os jihadistas ameaçam com mais planos de destruição. Aos 52 segundos, já é possível ver explosões de tanques de guerra, bem como militares do Estado Islâmico prontos a executar prisioneiros.

Ao The New York Times, um especialista em segurança internacional, afirmou que a divulgação do vídeo mostra que o Estado Islâmico "parece estar mais implacável do que nunca, não só em relação à conquista do território, mas também ao nível de confrontação com a maior potência mundial".

O vídeo que termina com a frase "Coming Soon" - "Brevemente" - ainda não foi comentado pelas forças militares do jihad. Com informações do site ''.

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  1. One should ask why ISIS continues to call for a War with US and UK but does not have any word for Israel which is standing on its side? Obama knows the answer to that and up to now he did not fall in the trap. But will he be able to stay out and continue to recognize the next traps from those who are relentless and want at all cost a major conflict? Obama is under strong pressure from all media and from the many US politicians on payroll of Israel to send US ground troops to fight a World War via proxy for Israel. One should also ask how was it possible for ISIS to grow so quickly, so organized and well-armed without having a State behind as sponsor. The chief of ISIS is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who spent time in a US prison before being released in 2009. It seems straight from Hollywood the new strategy of filming horrific beheading. Those tragic images broadcasted by ISIS are not less spectacular than those planes crashing on buildings about 13 years ago. A sense of spectacle far more familiar to a Jew from Hollywood than a Muslim from the deserts. In a World without coincidence, the sponsor is the same hidden hand responsible for 9/11. There is no doubt that the Zionists have all the means to enlist mercenaries of all Countries and Islamic extremists without having to show their face or their wallet. Through a strategy made of Terror and Deception, the Zionists will continue to monitor and to separate all people in hope to face many weak and divided oppositions rather than one strong and united. This next World War would want to appear like one between two blocs: US, UK and Israel at the helm of a western bloc versus Russia, China and the Arab States for a presumed eastern bloc. The Conflict instead must be redefined from the beginning and fought only pro or against Equality without distinctions for Religion, race or Country. The Zionist strategy is Divide and Conquer. A new Humankind will be like water and will submerge that idea.


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